Le Monde de Midi

Vouloir c'est Pouvoir

This article is my essay task to complete my English subject in college. I don't know it is good or not but I hope this article may help you if you have a writing task :)

Sex Education in School
There are many people who talk about sex. Students are the one of them all. But as we know, there are so many students who still misunderstand about the definition of sex. We need some ways to make the students can understand about sex. Sex education in school is one of some ways to resolve this problem. It helps the students to understand what the sex is. Not only about the definition of sex, but they also know about some phenomenon around the sexual life like sexual disorder and their negatives.

There are so many definitions about sex. According to Oxford Dictionary, sex is either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. The other say that sex is the sum of the structural and functional differences by which the male and female are distinguished on the phenomena on behavior dependent on these differences. Besides that, sex is also definite as the instinct on attraction drawing one sex toward another, or its manifestation in life and conduct.

In our life, there are some sex phenomenon like sexual disorder. Sexual disorder is a condition where someone has differences with others in their sexual life. One of examples of sexual disorder is homosexual. Homosexual is a condition where people do not have any interest with someone in different gender, they might like someone with the same gender as them. Homosexual is categorized in two, gay for the men and lesbian for the women. Homosexual happens from many causes. For example, it comes from family circumstance. Family is the first environment for people to start their life. If there is an unresolved problem in a family life, it could cause the members get frustrate and they would change their life style, for example become homosexual.

This sexual disorder causes many negative effects for people who have it. Many people who have sexual disorder are underestimated by others. The other negative effects are the family members of people who have sexual disorder feel ashamed because of them. They will also get difficulty in their social life because the others’ underestimate.

Sex education in school is really important to do. It helps to show up what the sex is. So the students can really understand about sex and their negatives.

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